Hi, I'm Kyle Cave.
Hi, I'm Kyle, A 21 Year old Film Graduate (First Class with Hons), and aspiring screenwriter / director . I have long had a deep rooted passion for filmmaking, with my earliest memory of my love for film being watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008). After leaving the cinema and needing more my Dad brought me the original 3 movies and the TV show; beginning my new found obsession with Indiana Jones and planting the seed for my love of film. At first I thought I wanted to be a Nazi fighting archaeologist like Indy, then soon after realising I couldn’t do that I wanted to be an actor and bring characters to life like Harrison Ford, as I grew older I realised my love was actually for story telling, I wanted to bring characters to life on screen. I feel that for you to better get to know me I would do what I do best, write and talk about films, as many great writers have said, "show don't tell".
Additionally, my CV can be found here.
If I was stranded on a desert island and could only take 3 films with me they would be: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984); I'm all for Key Huy Quan's comeback to Hollywood and am still holding out hope for a Short Round spin off set in a 1970's war torn Vietnam, Mr Lucas and Mr Spielberg if you're reading this I'm happy to write and direct. My second choice would be Baby Driver (2017); great music, so it can double as a record, and Edgar Wright's iconic hyper stylised action will never get old for me; and finally Black Christmas (1974), in my eyes the true first slasher movie, a Canadian horror movie which was ahead of its time, also releasing on the same day as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). Thinking about it, a box set of Bear Grylls survival guides would probably be a smarter idea...
During my time at university I was a Student Advocate for my course, working directly with students and the lecturers in order to help improve the course syllabus by collecting suggestions from students and feeding it back to the lecturers. While the role held a lot of responsibility, I always gave it my all by stepping up where possible to help my fellow students. Being a course advocate also came in handy as it meant I could sway my lecturers to keep my favourite films on the course watch list, like Donnie Darko (2001) when learning about independent film. Sadly my please to put Shaun of the Dead (2004) on the cult film module weren't heard, but that didn't stop me writing about it in my essays of course.
I enjoy a wide variety of genre's, but my go to is Horror, with slasher movies being my guilty pleasure, even if they have been cited by various academics and writers as having problematic history rooted with misogyny, as well as adhering to gendered stereotypes. I find studying the genres evolution to be fascinating... and they're usually fun and easy watches.
I like to write stories about psychological struggle and character relationships, with my previous scripts touching on topics such as; estranged families, grief, and mental illness such as PTSD and depression , as well as other hard hitting topics. I find exploring a characters mind as a writer to be one of the most reading aspects of the role, like raising a child from nothing to fruition. Not that I have children, but I imagine it being similar, without the tantrums and nappies.
Thank you for taking you time to read this, and I hope you enjoyed my movies!